Infill Subdivision

2 Lot subdivision

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Scope of Work:

2 lot subdivision around an existing and retained dwelling which will highlight setback requirements.


20th January 2023


Tauranga Branch

Key person:

Ben Frank, Kevin He & Davor Nikic

Infill Subdivision
Infill Subdivision
Infill Subdivision
Infill Subdivision
Infill Subdivision
Infill Subdivision
Infill Subdivision

Infill Subdivision

2 Lot subdivision

A two lot infill subdivision (creating one additional lot) will result in a 0.2m setback infringement due to an existing dwelling which will be retained within Proposed Lot 1.

The existing dwelling that is being retained will result in a setback infringement along the internal boundary which typically causes non-compliance but in this case is considered to be not significant as the applicant can provide their approval to this. The surrounding area is already subjust to substantial infill subdivisions where a number of properties have either been subdivided or have had a second dwelling constructed upon them. Therefore, the approval of the application will not alter the character or amenity of the recieving environment.

It is proposed that a single storey 3 bedroom home with an attached double garage and retaining walls will be constructed within Proposed Lot 2. New connections and legal rights have been provided to both Lots through proposed easements such as a Right of Way service easement over the existing driveway which will be widened to accommodate Lot 2.

The proposal is supported by a geotechnical and stormwater assessment and there are no significant risks from natural hazards generated by the subdivision.