Boundary Relocation Subdivision

Separating lots and containing them within two zones

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Scope of Work:

Boundary adjustment between 4 contiguous titles located within the Rural and Industrial Zones


Tairua Branch

Key person:

Tim Simons

Boundary Relocation Subdivision
Boundary Relocation Subdivision
Boundary Relocation Subdivision
Boundary Relocation Subdivision
Boundary Relocation Subdivision
Boundary Relocation Subdivision
Boundary Relocation Subdivision
Boundary Relocation Subdivision
Boundary Relocation Subdivision
Boundary Relocation Subdivision
Boundary Relocation Subdivision
Boundary Relocation Subdivision

Boundary Relocation Subdivision

Separating lots and containing them within two zones

The current lot boundaries do not follow Zone Boundaries but will be adjusted to do so. The proposed boundary adjustment between four contiguous titles is to allow two lots (Lots 1 & 2) to be solely contained within the Industrial Zone and two lots (Lot 3 & 4) to be mostly contained within Rural Zone but with a small portion of Lot 4 to be located within the Industrial Zone to allow access to an existing dwelling. Most of the Industrial land is a result of an established timber mill. No additional lots or development rights are being created in association with the proposal. Lot 3 will be a medium sized lot and this will allow them to carry out the same rural activities they did prior to the proposal. Lot 4 will be a smaller lifestyle lot which will retain enough land to carry out small scale rural activities. 

The Industrial land features a dwelling and multiple sheds which are associated with the timber mill. The Rural land is predominatly pastoral land used for grazing but also contains two ancillary sheds and an existing dwelling which will be retained. The sites have typically flat to gentle rolling topography with some light vegetation. All Lots will retain their own frontage to State Highway 25 and will utilise the existing vehicle crossings which are well formed and do not require upgrades.

The sites are subject to Coastal Inundation. Lot 3 is vacant and features some land which is not subject to coastal inundation where a future house site can be safely construsted, but is not the intention of the applicant. Lots 1 & 2 (Industrial) have existing buildings and are only partially subject to Coastal Inundation.

By improving the lot layout and aligning the boundaries to the confines of the relevant zones, this will help to mitigate any reverse sensitiviy effects which may currently exist.